June 16, 2021
Donating appreciated stocks or bonds is a great way to give big (and avoid paying capital gains on appreciated securities)! Please see transfer instructions below.
DTC No.: 0141
Account Number: 7685-1068
Company Name: Wells Fargo Advisors
Account Name: The Empty Stocking Fund, Inc. (Attn: Joy Graham, Development Director)
Please take a moment to complete the below form so that we can acknowledge your gift once the shares have been received into our account. Without this information, we will have no way of knowing from whom the shares were received!
Running a warehouse, engaging volunteers, and serving families year-round requires more than having a place to store products. By donating items from our Warehouse Wish List, you can help us allocate more funds to programs that support disadvantaged children while also streamlining our processes to work more efficiently!
Let’s bring the global kickoff of the giving season home to Georgia. Led in partnership with The Georgia Center for Nonprofits, the campaign aims to help nonprofits like The Empty Stocking Fund reach new supporters and raise awareness of our cause.
Now your Kroger Plus card can give more than great deals. With a simple one-time enrollment, a portion of every purchase you make earns rewards for The Empty Stocking Fund.
The Empty Stocking Fund is committed to protecting the health and safety of our volunteers, staff and community. In response to the COVID19 pandemic, we have implemented strict policies that adhere to federal and state guidelines.
Social Distancing
ESF will follow Social Distancing Guidelines based on CDC recommendations.
Currently, volunteer shift sizes are limited so participants can safely socially distance. Because we have a large space and can easily separate groups, we may schedule two small groups at the same time.
Social Distancing markers and signage will be posted throughout the facility.
Temperature Screening
Using no-contact infrared digital thermometers, ESF staff will check the temperature of all volunteers before they enter the building. Following the CDC guidelines, anyone with a temperature above 100.4 will be asked to leave and reschedule their volunteer shift (a minimum of 14 days later).
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Masks will be required in the facility at all times. If you have your own mask, please bring it with you. If you do not have a mask, we will provide one for you. In addition, we will have gloves and plenty of hand sanitizer available.
Post-Shift Facility Cleaning and Sanitization
Designated trash cans are placed in the warehouse and the lobby for PPE disposal and will be emptied immediately at the end of each shift.
Volunteers will be asked to place all tape guns, box cutters, and other tools used in a designated area so that they can be disinfected by staff.
All surfaces will be cleaned using a CDC approved disinfectant.
Post Shift Reporting
Approximately two weeks after your shift, ESF will send you an email asking you to confirm that you have not been diagnosed with or experienced symptoms of Covid19. Should you have any concerns about your exposure before, during or after your shift, we ask that you contact us immediately at (404) 876-8697.
That’s right! Now you can simply say, “Alexa, make a donation to The Empty Stocking Fund.” She’ll walk you through the rest
Sponsor-A-Child Campaigns enable individuals and organizations to maximize their impact by enlisting the support of others. Campaigns may be led at local businesses, global corporations, civic or religious organizations, or simply among friends and family. Some raise hundreds of dollars while others raise thousands, and each does it a little differently. It can be as simple as creating an online donation page and sharing it via email or social media, or as complex as hosting fundraising events like holiday parties, bake sales, raffles, etc. As a campaign leader, YOU decide what works best for you and your organization.
Are you ready to lead a Sponsor-A-Child Campaign?
Includes tips for leading a successful campaign, email templates, promotional materials, donation log and receipts.
Page may be customized to reflect your campaign goal and to include logos and images of your choice. Requires registration as an official fundraiser on Click & Pledge. All funds raised go directly to The Empty Stocking Fund.
Instructions: If you’re already a fundraiser, click “Fundraiser Login” in the top navigation bar. If you’ve forgotten your password there is a password help link below the social media icons in the login window. If you are a new fundraiser, click “Become a Fundraiser” (green button at the bottom-right).
Need something else to lead a successful campaign? Let us know. We’re here to support your efforts!
Federal employees can give through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) using our organization ID – 69112.
State and University System employees can give through the State Charitable Contributions Program (SCCP).
If your company leads a United Way of Greater Atlanta campaign, you can designate your donation for The Empty Stocking Fund. To get started, ask your company’s campaign administrator for help or contact the United Way directly. The Empty Stocking Fund’s UWGA ID is 5321294.
Every year more than 2,500 cadets representing 40 metro Atlanta high school ROTC programs take to the street to share The Empty Stocking Fund’s story and collect donations on our behalf. This long-standing tradition that dates back to the 1940s was established based on the community spirit of young people helping young people. Over a two-day period, thousands of volunteers, most of whom are JROTC cadets from metro-Atlanta high schools, collect donations throughout their communities. Representing the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, the cadets raise nearly $100,000 for the organization – enough to provide gift packages to 5,000 children.
Through its Family2Family project, WSB-TV supports the cadets’ efforts by increasing awareness of the program. As one of the project’s sponsors, Kroger allows the cadets to fundraise onsite at more than 50 metro area stores.
This year’s campaign will run from October 15th through December 15th with the primary drive taking place November 5th, 6th, and 7th.
If you are interested in leading a campaign at your school, please complete the below registration form so we can be sure to include you in orientation and planning sessions to be held in September.
Each year dozens of businesses and foundations – from Atlanta-based global companies to smaller local firms and family foundations – support The Empty Stocking Fund in the most important way: by making financial contributions.
Our sponsors enjoy some amazing benefits, including the prominent display of their logo and the chance to sign up for our coveted volunteer time slots. And, seeing as we almost always run out of volunteer space, getting in early is a great opportunity.
To donate by mail, send your check to:
The Empty Stocking Fund
693 Humphries St. SW
Atlanta, GA 30310
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. It’s the same exact Amazon you know and love. Same products, same prices, same service. A one-time simple enrollment will ensure that a portion of every purchase you make earns rewards for The Empty Stocking Fund.
Just use our email address ([email protected]) to send a donation via PayPal.
Many companies match employee donations, double or even tripling the amount. Discover if your company will match your contribution.